ACB Sunday Edition

Sunday Edition Presents: Celebrate California; Maria Kristic; and a Conversation with Claire Stanley regarding the ACA and where we all stand

September 23, 2020

Episode Notes

In Movers and Shakers, Judy Wilkinson and Jeff Thom tell us about the work of so many folks who helped make California’s virtual convention a success. we will re-cap the journey and celebrate Gabe’s new position as CCB President.

Then, In the Spotlight; Maria Kristic Tells us about her life in ACB and serving on multiple boards. She has a very interesting position in governmental affairs in New York. It is my pleasure to serve with her on the board of BPI and I cannot wait to hear her share her fascinating story with our listeners.

Lastly, in Happenings;

Claire Stanley brings her wealth of knowledge and very straight-forward way of explaining things to us in the forum of the disgraceful filing President Trump has submitted to the Supreme Court. In this time of rampant virus and staggering unemployment he wants to completely dismantle the Affordable Care Act which over 4 million people have turned to since the pandemic began.

As always, we welcome callers with questions and comments. Follow the Zoom on Sunday at 1pm EST.

Antony can be reached at:

[email protected]