ACB Sunday Edition

Sunday Edition for August 8, 2021 - A survivors story and a candid conversation with Cheryl Cummings

August 8, 2021

Episode Notes

This week on Sunday Edition I sit down with Wayne Pearcy; musician, teacher and survivor who will share his story for the first time. Wayne wants to shine a light on his experiences in the hopes that he can inspire any others out there still holding onto darkness because they may be afraid to speak to their truths. I am so proud he has decided to trust Sunday Edition to be the microphone for this brave form of advocacy. 

Then in our second hour Cheryl will visit with Sunday edition listeners again so we can celebrate her appointment as the new chair of MCAC committee, her new role on the BOP and all of the amazing advocacy work she has been involved with. I  hope someone will call-in to ask her what Our Space Our Place is…

Sunday edition airs on ACB Media One at 1pm EDT and is podcasted soon after.